
覺得Happy Chinese New Year太老套?那麼這句新年的俏皮吉祥話,英語該怎麼說?

“Wish you prosperity and wealth ! May I have the red envelope now ?”

「紅包」的關鍵詞是“red envelope”,也可以說成“red packet”,若要用英文邏輯解釋,就等同於“lucky money”或“new year’s money”。而prosperity有「發達、興隆」的意思;wealth則是「財富、富有」,可更加凸顯中國「發財」中興旺的含意。

說到如何用英語向外國朋友介紹中國新年?其實只要運用最常識的理解,中國新年對華人來說不外乎就是「農曆新年Chinese New Year」,是「一年之中最重要的節日the most important holiday of the year」,與過年最主要的活動「年夜飯reunion dinner」等三個重點,所以只需知道這幾個重點的關鍵字句,也就能用三句簡單的生活英語解釋清楚:

“Chinese New Year is the most important holiday of the year for Chinese people. It’s on the first day of the first month of Lunar Calendar. Family members get together on Chinese New Year’s Eve to have reunion dinner and celebrate the upcoming year.”


是不是很簡單又讓外國朋友一聽就懂呢。另外,以農曆為主的中國新年同時也意味著「春天」的到來,因此,也可用春節Spring Festival來替換Chinese New Year,對外國友人來說更有畫面的想像。



  • 大掃除 a whole house cleaning/ a thorough house cleaning
  • 辦年貨 Spring Festival shopping/ Chinese New Year shopping
  • 春聯 Spring Festival couplets/ red couplets


It’s the busiest time before Chinese New Year, people not only go New Year shopping, but also do a whole house cleaning and put up red couplets on windows and doors to decorate the house.



  • 年夜飯 reunion dinner/ New Year’s Eve dinner
  • 守歲 staying-up
  • 發紅包giving red envelopes


There are many dishes in reunion dinner. But the must-to-have is fish. The pronunciation in Mandarin for fish is “yu” and sounds like the word “extra” in Chinese. It means “wishing everyone to have more than enough year after year”.



On Chinese New Year’s Eve, parents and the elders give red envelopes with money in to children and the youngers.


As a return, children stay up the night till the New Year Day comes to wish their parents health and longevity.




  • 放鞭炮 set off fireworks
  • 拜拜 worship God or ancestors
  • 拜年 make a visit for the Chinese New Year

When the New Year clock strikes, people set off fireworks for celebration which symbolize getting rid of bad lucks and bringing in the good ones.


And from the first day of the New Year, many people will go to the temple to worship God or ancestors for good fortune. Also, some people will make a visit to relatives and friends or go traveling to enjoy the New Year holidays.



  • 恭賀新禧 Best wishes for the year to come
  • 身體健康、萬事如意 Wish you good health and may everything goes well with you
  • 大吉大利 Great fortune and great prosperity
  • 財源廣進 May wealth come generously to you
  • 心想事成 May all your wishes come true





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