現為EUA TECH LTD-UK CEO並兼任台灣經濟部中企署創業顧問。具5項以上專業證照已有15年左右輔導經驗,相關政府、大學、上市上櫃公司、中小企業、新創公司、境外單位幾乎都有輔導實績;主要業務方向說明如下:
因個案情況不同? 定要洽談或現勘了解實際情形,才有辦法規畫執行?
English version:
Currently, he is the CEO of EUA TECH LTD-UK and part time serve as an Entrepreneurship consultant of SMESA in Ministry of Economic Affairs,Taiwan.It has more than 5 professional certificates and has about 15 years of coaching experience. It has almost all coaching results in relevant governments, universities, listed OTC companies, small and medium-sized enterprises, start-up companies, and overseas units. The main business directions are explained as follows:
A. Waste removal (reuse) permit and waste removal plan consultation.
B.ESG carbon reduction planning, assessment, consulting, training, coaching, verification and engineering improvement.
C. Financial planning, small and medium-sized enterprise credit guarantee fund loan consultation.
Because the circumstances of each case are different? Only after discuss or on-the-spot investigation to understand the actual situation can we plan and implement it.