

(1) 2次僱用



**[ pronunciation・vowels・consonants・grammar ]** $750~/hour

You’ll learn the correct pronunciation of short/long vowels consonants and understand syllables, which is how we pronounce a word. It is going to speed up vocabulary memory ability in the long term. You’ll also learn the basic structure of English, which will help you understand how to form a sentence correctly and help with your reading.

**Lesson Purpose:**

- Be able to pronounce words correctly
- Speed up memory vocabulary
- Expand your vocabulary
- Accent Reduction

**What you get:**

- 2h lesson/ Once or twice a week
- Free resource packs(vocabulary flashcards, the quiz game, supporting materials, access to lesson slides)


[ Classes for A1~B2 Level(CEFR) ] $700~/hour

This gig is for those who plan to take IELTS in the future. The best recommendation here is to take time to go through YLE, KET, PET, FCE, build up a strong foundation, and get used to the exam process. The students taking this course are from age four to 18 in current classes.

Please acknowledge that I do not promote any passing exam quick scheme. I expect to see students use English as an implementation of expanding their probability when they come overseas to study or work. Understanding the exam is just a process to get there, not the destination.

Lesson Purpose:

- Exam preparation: YLE, KET, PET, FCE (To connect to IELTS in the future)
- Conversation
- Comprehension
- Reading
- Writing

What you get:

- 1h, 1.5h, 2h lesson/ twice or more a week
- Free resource packs(vocabulary flashcards, the quiz game, supporting materials)
- Writing Correction


[ Classes for general English ] $700~/hour

This gig will offer students the most culturally dynamic language learning experience. The lectures are designed based on personal overseas experiences and the problem that most English speakers face I've seen for years.

Lesson Purpose:

- To understand a native speaker
- To make friends with foreigners
- To fit in the culture
- Accent Reduction

What you get:

- 1h lesson/ Once or twice a week
- Free resource packs(access to lesson slides)


[ 15 minute English morning coffee ] $190~/15 min; $360~/30 min

Would you like to have someone chat with you in English 3 times a week? Perhaps your English level is quite good, or you just utterly want to hold on to your English level, and you don’t fancy sitting in class for 2 hours. Then this English coffee time is designed for you. The topic can be across various fields such as the latest tech news, culture education, fashion, crypto, and finance. I’ll offer you the hottest information that happening in North America. If that’s what you’re looking for, then you should definitely give it a go.

Lesson Purpose

- To gain the latest trend globally
- To become open-mined
- To be able to hold a deep conversation in English

What you get:

- 15, 30min lesson/ three times a week
- I’ll share any resource that can help you in any possible way



Funlearning - Little Alan just learned many words of feelings. I’m so proud of him.
Funlearning - [Online Summer Camp]
I hosted a free English summer online camp for kids during the restriction, and we had so much fun! Every kid tried so hard to be the winner in each play.
Funlearning - [Online Summer Camp]
The vocabulary games that I designed for kids made them long for learning more and also having fun.
Funlearning - [Reading Section]
Flashcards are the best tool when it comes to memory new vocabulary. Before starting a new story, we'll go through some exercises for vocabulary and pronunciation.
Funlearning - [Reading Section]
I'm a big believer that the best way to improve reading comprehension skills is to visualize the context rather than just words.


Hi there. My name is Jansjin. I’m an expat in Canada. After teaching for nearly four years now, the initial goal of teaching English has never changed. Which is to help my students use English as a bridge to explore and create more opportunities in their lives. I have benefited from my language advantage, and you will also get there.



服務方式 線上服務
學生年齡 6歲以下(學齡前/幼兒園)、6-12歲(小學)、13-15歲(國中)、16-18歲(高中)、19-22歲(大學)、23歲-50歲、51歲以上
學生英文程度 基礎(幼兒園,國小程度)、進階(國中程度)、高階(高中職程度以上)、其他
學生目標 日常會話、升學考試、出國留學、工作需求、證照考試、其他
上課頻率 每週一次、每週兩次、每週三次、每兩週一次、其他
星期幾 星期一、星期二、星期三、星期四、星期五、星期六、星期天
上課時段 清晨(早上9點之前)、上午(早上9點至中午12點)、下午(中午12點至下午3點)、傍晚(下午3點至晚上6點)、晚上(晚上6點之後)


  • 5
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1


新北市 林口區
桃園市 桃園區

